SMS gateway setup
Send SMS using web form or API.
DID Logic offers web-based or API based outbound SMS capability for all accounts. Inbound SMS service must be linked to the Mobile DID product, available to Business accounts only.
Outbound SMS setup
Web form
SMS can be sent from account control panel.
Easily integrate using CURL or HTTPS on any operating system, including Linux:
GET /api/v1/sms?apiid=api_key GET SENT MESSAGES POST /api/v1/sms?apiid=api_key&destination=+[did]&message=helloworld GET /api/v1/sms/ID_SMS?apiid= api_key GET SMS STATUS
Go to the API reference page.
Inbound SMS setup*
Mobile DID service is available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Mexico, Netherlands, UK and USA. Inbound messages will be delivered as HTTP request to the URL you provide.
Almost all programming languages today offer the framework to accept HTTP calls, for example, Rails, PHP, ASP.NET, Java. Inbound HTTP URL is easy to setup and configure with minimal programming talent available.
- Method: POST to your URL.
- Processing: parse the inbound POST request, respond with HTTP status 200 (if no 200 sent in response, 4 more retries will be made).
- Inbound SMS fields: src, dst, message, received_at.
*Business account required. Minimum order commitment restrictions apply to Mobile DID service.
Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.