Freeswitch SIP Trunk Configuration Guide
Freeswitch sip trunk setup
General configuration
Certain business customers may be eligible for custom CLI option if they absolutely require sending their existing numbers as CLI, or passing through the Caller ID information of the forwarded call. New accounts do not have access to this feature and should use the configuration below. Verified business customers should use the Freeswitch custom CLI setup.
1. Freeswitch general configuration.
<include> <gateway name="didlogic"> <param name="username" value="12354"/> <param name="realm" value="sip.***.didlogic.net"/> <param name="password" value="your_SIP_password"/> <param name="register" value="true"/> <param name="context" value="public"/> </gateway> </include>
Valid registry string and active registration are still required to send calls: 12345:*****@sip.***.didlogic.net
There is support for GSM and G729, yet we absolutely insist you use G711u or G722 codecs. Admittedly there are some places where bandwidth is expensive, however, low bitrate codecs usage always results in SIP provider voice quiality that we shall call “quite unimpressive” for censorship reasons.
Your 5-digit SIP username and password are different from your didlogic.com web login credentials. Set these up in the “SIP” tab of your didlogic.com account.
Important: 3 incorrect SIP auth attempts will ban your IP address for 3 hours.
2. General information.
Dialing format is E164. Dialing with 00 or 011 in front will not work. You need to send the dialed number using the international format, with country code, area code and number (1 for NANPA countries). Dialing US/Canada requires a “1” in front.
Correctly dialed:
442012345678 – United Kingdom 12125551212 – USA;
19055551212 – Canada 4915151234567 – Germany.
Incorrectly dialed:
011442012345678 or 00442012345678 or 02012345678 – this is NOT how you dial UK. 2125551212 or 9055551212 – this is NOT how you call US/Canada, you must dial with “1” in front.
FAQ. If you still can’t make calls – checklist to go through prior to contacting support.
- 603 declined on outbound is caused by lack of active registration. SIP registration is currently required to send calls.
- Dial the full international number: 1-212-555-1212 (US), 44-208-500-0000 (London). Dialing 212-555-1212 won’t work. Do not dial with 0 or 00 or 011 in front. This is by far the most frequent reason for outgoing calls to fail.
- Incoming calls problem: access debug and review incoming traffic from our IPs. 99.8% of such issues are caused by wrong context or other incorrect route setup. Each Freeswitch installation is unique. Please look at your syntax closely first.
- If in doubt, stop all registrations, comment out the trunk config, download X-lite and attempt placing calls. This will tell you right away that the problem is somewhere in your local Freeswitch configuration.
Reminder: be very sure you are using valid SIP username and password to register and send calls. Our system will ban your IP address if you attempt incorrect credentials. You will not be able to browse any pages at didlogic.com, or login to your account to make changes for at least 3 hours, and the ban will be renewed for another 3 hours if your Freeswitch fails to authenticate again. That cycle may potentially go on forever. Please ensure you are using the 5-digit username and your own secure password created at the “SIP” tab of your didlogic.com account.
PLEASE NOTE: *** in the hostname configured must be replaced by the name of a regional proxy,
e.g. sip.nyc.didlogic.net
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