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In-country local service

We focus exclusively on direct routes and fully control quality,
capacity and roaming features.

Economy voice is not an option for your sales, support and marketing teams. We solely control the entire voice path — from VoIP stream to TDM/IP demarc. G711u or higher is strictly enforced on our network (up to G722 HD Voice/AMR-WB to supported mobile carriers). Not a black box and no unknown parties are involved. Because our hardware sits directly on top of the local carriers, we can offer the best possible quality in each region.

Hear the difference

  • Low latency everywhere. SIP signaling and the actual media paths are local. Edge routers are typically 1-5 ms away from major metro ISPs.
  • No corners cut. IP transit quality matters in the VoIP world. Our IP edge uses Tier 1 transit providers that are able to prioritize voice on their networks.
  • Free private 1Gbs ports. Host your IP PBX in the same facility and connect to the Exchange over secure local switching fabric. Free cross-connects at many locations.

True local RTP with no looping

Resellers don’t typically have the purchasing power to build local directs, which means your voice often loops back to Frankfurt or New York to another aggregator. Our Exchange ecosystem eliminates traffic loops. Voice is handed over directly to LECs via fiber or local 10GbE – saving up to 400 ms of latency in Asia Pacific.

UK geographical and 0800 voice routing flows directly from UK vendors to our Telehouse London and BT Cardiff facilities. 3–4 ms pings in London, 10–20 ms nationwide. Just like in every other regional PoPs, all voice traffic is locally routed.

Tangible, noticeable improvement in quality: SIP signalling and RTP audio (voice path) over Australian Tier1s only. Sydney local latency is between 2 and 15 ms, depending on ISP.

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.