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Quality of Experience

Quickly deploy DID numbers. We deliver the Quality
of Experience your users demand.

DID Logic helps contact centers, IT companies and OTT providers expand their international capabilities. Our Exchange platform connects Tier 1s and incumbent telcos in multiple jurisdictions.

Our team is happy to arrange a fully functional trial so that you can immediately
hear the difference. If are unsatisfied with your current DID provider,
we are prepared to match or beat their pricing and port the numbers for you.

We are not a reseller and numbers are delivered over existing IP and SS7 links to our member carriers.
By using our DID solutions, you can gain better control over call path and visibly improve Quality of Experience (QoE) for your end users.

Better control over your DID routing

With voice switches at over 12 local PoPs, we can enable full domestic routing. Connect your PBX to our local SIP gateway to keep all RTP media and SIP signalling in-country. This design dramatically reduces latency and jitter in the IP leg of the call.

Numbers are provided by licensed telecommunication carriers, typically by PTTs. In markets where Local Voice Service model is supported, we also provide access to Emergency Services and local line features such as short code dialing.

A whole different experience

  • G711u/a, G722, GSM and G729 codecs supported. If far end subscriber is on HD-enabled telco, G722 will be passed through to enable wideband calling.
  • Quality improvement compared “resold” products is tangible, and your users will immediately notice better audio depth and clearer, more natural sound.
  • We are members of Internet Exchanges and direct tenants of Telecity, Coresite and BT. DID Logic is in on the published connected carriers list for each facility.
  • We buy IP transit and transport from large names that tend to be upstreams of our customers' ISPs. Latency and the amount of Internet travel are minimized.
  • In many countries, we are able to offer significant wholesale discounts on a number block. Many of our DIDs are already priced lower in the retail tier than your provider may charge you under Wholesale.
  • Real-time provisioning portal with number inventory. Numbers are allocated instantly. You can search the online provisioning portal by area code, city or digit combination.
  • Our team members have specialized local telco industry experience. Unlike a reseller who sells everything to everyone, we work directly with the local carriers and can navigate the regulatory landscape for you in each jurisdiction. We can port 1-300 lines in Australia, manage CICs for your USA RespOrg, or provision a block of 03s in the United Kingdom.
Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.