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Paperless LNP

Fast, expedited number porting with eSignature.

Migrate your DIDs efficiently and effortlessly with a truly 100% digital workflow process. All-electronic porting available in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Spain. The LNP Portal is a powerful set of telco tools that helps you prevent downtime and save time.

Local and toll-free number porting portal

We expedite the porting process for you and reduce the back-and-fourth between the customer and the losing carrier. Common mistakes are eliminated through the use of a real-time data check before you submit. Our certified engineers supervise the port orders to ensure seamless number migration.

Letting go of your old provider is easy

Our service is powered by local infrastructure in every facility we operate. Calls are not aggregated by a large reseller but rather connected in-country.
Port-in your numbers and switch to DID Logic to improve call quality, reduce call costs and consolidate your DID pools under one carrier.
Learn more about LNP portal
Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.