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Local DID numbers, carrier direct

We provision and port single numbers, ranges and 100- or 1,000- blocks worldwide
  • Perfomance Total latency on a call beats competitor solutions.
  • Visibility Inbound SIP and RTP traffic streams from local IXPs.
  • Lower total cost In many markets, wholesale DID pricing is available on a block.
  • Quality of Experience Happy callcenter agents and happy customers increase sales.

International coverage

Buy local phone numbers in 99 countries,
reaching jurisdictions others can't.

DID Logic delivers local telephone numbers over enterprise-grade SIP trunk connection or via PSTN forwarding. This is an integrated SS7-SIP product and, unlike other solutions, our DID numbers support inbound and outbound calls on the same local carrier connection with native Caller ID.

Algeria Angola Argentina Australia
Austria Bahrain Barbados Belarus
Belgium Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil
Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Canada
Cayman Islands Chile China Colombia
Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic
Denmark Dominican Republic El Salvador Estonia
Finland France Georgia Germany
Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala
Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India
Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel
Italy Jamaica Japan Kazakhstan
Kenya Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg
Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia
Mali Malta Mauritius Mexico
Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Pakistan
Panama Peru Philippines Poland
Moldova United Kingdom United States Vietnam
Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia
Serbia Seychelles Slovakia Slovenia
South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka
Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan
Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey
Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom United States
Venezuela Vietnam

Carrier class performance with truly local RTP audio source.

  • Licensed voice service model in 17 countries. Trunk will support Emergency calling, short code dialing and other local services just like a national telephone service provider.
  • Scalable channel capacity to support inbound customer service lines and conference calling.
  • Easy SIP trunk setup and integration with your existing Freeswitch, Asterisk, Avaya, Cisco and any other SIP based PBXes. Built-in DID Logic support in 3CX PBX (full interop).
  • VoIP numbers can be ordered with metered minutes or with flat-rate channels.
  • We can easily accommodate urgent install requests to handle hundreds of simultaneous inbound calls on a single DID.
  • Our Exchange solution connects DID number vendors in 45 countries. In 12 countries we offer direct routing based on our own on-net coverage and facilities-based hardware.