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Paperless Local Number
Portability portal

Submit, track and manage number port orders online.

DID Logic provides an easy-to-use LNP portal to port your local and toll-free numbers. All order data, including current bill copies, can be submitted electronically. Approve with eSignature – a secure solution based on PKI standards.

You don't have to be a telecom expert to initiate port orders. We automate
the workflow for your business, and manage
all of the number migration tasks in the background.

Our Provisioning engineers will check for common errors after submission. The portal automatically generates carrier-specific forms. Receive status and progress updates by email.

Effortless number portability

  • We will work with your IT team to ensure seamless port-in experience.
  • Our experienced team of engineers will supervise the order progress.
  • Your configuration is checked for common errors before, during and after the port.
  • We have successfully ported tens of thousands numbers from every major carrier.
  • We provide data validation and carrier lookup tools to speed up port order processing.
  • Forms and orders are submitted in-portal.

Countries currently supported:

  • United States
    and Canada
  • Australia
    and New Zealand
  • United Kingdom
  • The Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Porting is also available in an additional 36 countries. We are constantly expanding support for our paperless LNP option. Please reach out to our Sales team to test the LNP portal.

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.