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Wholesale DID number

Connecting incumbent and competitive
local exchange carriers worldwide.

About the Exchange

We manage and operate one of largest inter-carrier DID number platforms in the world. For over ten years, we have been connecting local and international voice networks to enable number trading. The platform is powered by PoPs in 24 data centers with direct connectivity to major Tier 1 networks. Our footprint includes One Wilshire, London Telehouse and Telecity locations.

Services for telecoms

DID Logic offers turn-key platform to quickly go to market with your number capacity. Members can upload their number stocks, set tiered pricing, charge for minutes and channels, and apply regulatory restrictions to usage. Through a single connection, your network can access DID capacity from other carrier vendors locally or internationally.

Getting connected

We can support public IP interconnect over SIP, a mix of public and private peering, or dedicated cross-connects from your cabinet to ours in several DCs including Amsterdam, London, Cardiff and Los Angeles.

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.