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Dialer pricing

Short duration and telemarketing call rates.

United States and Canada

  • Dialer-friendly service to handle your short-duration traffic.
  • High CPS (calls per second) and high channel capacity.
  • No charge for trunks, pay as you go.
  • Suitable for surveys, medical billing, community outreach
    and customer notifications.
  • DNC (National Do Not Call Registry) database dips and blocks
    available to prevent unwanted telemarketing calls.
to 70,000+ ratecenters
fixed lines


  • 10+ years service record.
  • Australian-based voice gateways.
  • Our experienced engineers have worked with hundreds of companies to successfully complete nationwide dialer campaigns.
  • Scales to thousands of simultaneous channels to support very large campaigns.

New Zealand

  • PoP in Auckland.
  • High NZ channel capacity.
  • Regulatory compliance.
fixed lines

Dialer service available in these additional countries:

  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines

Traffic profile review required to build service quote.
Please get in touch with our Sales Engineering

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.