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Number portability pricing

Consolidate your DIDs and improve customer satisfaction.

DID Logic registers numbers in your business name. We have a 10+ year track record and serve many multinational customers with zero tolerance for service interruption.

Country Porting cost
USA local DID $8 per number
USA toll-free $25 per toll-free port order
Canada local DID $19 per number
Canada toll-free $20 per number
Australia local DID $15 per number, $190 per Cat C port of up to 100 numbers
Australia 1800/1300 $79 per number
New Zealand local DID $25 per number
New Zealand 0800 $79 per number
Netherlands local DID $19 per number, $180 for a block of 100 DIDs
Netherlands toll-free $89 per number
Spain local DID $39 per each local DID

40+ countries support number portability. Please contact your Sales Engineer

Managed DID number

Letting go of your number provider is easier than you think. Our experienced Engineering team can provide expert advice and guidance. Number porting comes at a certain cost, but it pays off many times over considering the quality improvement. We guarantee industry-leading service redundancy and multi-site survivability.

Dramatically improve
audio quality

When your numbers are provided by a chain of resellers, probability of failure increases exponentially, and cascaded transconding creates muffled, sub-par audio that frustrates call center agents. Thanks to our large network of PoPs in over 12 locations worldwide, we can reach the original network directly and host your numbers in-country instead.

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.