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DID number pricing

Cost-effective solutions from Tier1 carriers.

Our vendors supply the highest-performing VoIP origination (DID numbers) at extremely competitive prices. Service is delivered to the local data center IP edge – never looping through the continents.

Network and capacity

Country Peering facility DID coverage Channels Outbound SIP
UK Telehouse London
BT Empire Exchange
National and geographic Up to 180 YES, CLI
USA/Canada Coresite One Wilshire
Telx 60 Hudson
85% NPANXX 24 turn-up,
free upgrades
Australia Equinix SY1
William St, Perth, WA
95% of AU SZU's 4 included,
limitless upgrades
New Zealand Parkhead Place
Major metro areas 10 included,
Netherlands Telecity AMS4 (DLR)
Dataport of Rotterdam
NL-IX, Voice-IX
90% geographic Up to 100 YES, CLI


Certified vendors deliver their inbound virtual number capacity over local links. Meets all the corporate security standards and can be delivered over private 1 Gbit/s switch ports. You can terminate outbound voice on the same circuits using native CLI.

Local RTP media

You pay nothing for channels, seats, or licenses. The only costs to you are the monthly fee and inbound minute charge. Engineering can quickly scale inbound channels to ensure that your organization can handle hundreds, or thousands if needed, simultaneous inbound calls.

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.