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Low-latency VoIP edge in Stockholm, Sweden

12 November 2013

DID Logic deployed the sip-SE edge routers in Sweden ( Access the best selection of Nordic LECs with ridiculously low latency! Stockholm locations offer easy interconnection with facilities-based national backbone providers and Exchanges such as Telecity, Phonera (Availio), Bahnhof, Interxion, Portlane, IP-only and others. Public Internet latency to our sip-SE switches varies from 1 ms in Stockholm metro areas, to 15-25 ms in various parts of Finland, Denmark, Norway, the Baltics, Germany, UK and the Netherlands.

The best Scandinavian and Baltic VoIP/TDM
connectivity, period

Our Stockholm data center delivers direct access to excellent selection of local and international carriers and service providers, ensuring absolutely lowest latency voice transit to Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Baltic countries. Approximately 100 telcos and 5 dark fiber carriers are present at the location.

NETNOD IX and Stockholm Internet Exchange (STHIX)

Netnod IXes operated by Netnod are considered critical national infrastructure in Sweden. In 1997, Netnod reached an agreement with Swedish telecommunications regulator to palce the IX equipment in government-operated secure bunkers. Additionally, the system was de-centralized to avoid complete dependence on Stockholm infrastructure. Netnod built additional PoPs in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Sundsvall. All of these locations are in the government-owned undeground bunkers, as opposed to office class buildings in most other countries. Exchange members are connected using 1Gigabit, 10Gigabit or 100Gigabit Ethernet.

STHIX is a neutral and independent Internet Exchange in Stockholm, operating 1G to 10G ports and interconnecting carriers and CDN/gaming providers in Sweden. Dedicated VLANs between multiple points of presence in Stockholm are available for private, dedicated Ethernet voice and data transport.