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Incoming numbers, US DID origination - high channel capacity

03 January 2015

Geographical US numbers from separate capacity group, using Tier1 carriers.

New 30xE1 capable DIDs (900 ports): 747 Burbank, 404 Atlanta, 312 Chicago, 720 Denver, 216 Cleveland, 213 Los Angeles, 347 New York, 602 Phoenix.

Suitable for high-volume conference, calling card, chat and educational services.

Or choose completely unlimited capacity, no catch, NO 10000 minutes fine print, FULL FLATRATE @$5.99 per open switch port (channel).

Volume discounts available. Port your number to reduce inbound costs. 100% Asterisk/FreePBX/Freeswitch compatible.

Unlike resellers and large aggregators, we do not centralize routing, all RTP media flows directly from our own IP edge the same geo region. For example, US East origination will use beautiful NYC bandwidth from AT&T or Internap. US West routing is via Los Angeles and Santa Clara. All-local audio sources. Many customers are enjoying sub-1ms latency in the same facility.