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GOAutoDial setup guide release

28 November 2017

Testing and evaluation of interoperability are essential for seamless integration of the platforms and quality assurance. This guide will be helpful to telecom professionals implementing call centre solutions from scratch.

DID Logic is constantly performing tests with different vendors to ensure that our customers can easily connect their existing communications infrastructure to our network. We evaluate the stability, robustness and service quality of every aspect of partner solution. With these tests in place, you can rest assured that both systems work well together.

GOautodial clients will now be able to enjoy the benefits of DID Logic’s distributed architecture, DID coverage footprint, and local RTP media routing services.

We invite GOautodial customers looking for Dialer friendly solutions to review DID Logic trunk service.

GOautodial is a call center solutions provider based in Philippines, with a North American corporate headquarters in Quebec, Canada. With more than 50,000 customer downloads around the world, GOautodial is the small and medium enterprise (SME) owner’s top choice for a reliable yet inexpensive call center solution.

For more information, visit