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Get lower pricing on 800 toll-free DIDs with no channel charges

25 November 2014

All capacity is direct, no need to purchase channels.

USA 1-800 numbers: just $0.99/month with $0.018/min inbound.

UK 0800 Freephone DIDs: $0.99/month and $0.049/min inbound.

Australian 1800 toll-free DIDs: $0.06/min inbound, fixed and mobile.

Launching in December: toll-free numbers in Brazil, Finland, France, New Zealand and Switzerland, direct backend routing with nothing in between, our own colo and transit!

Unlike resellers and large aggregators, we do not centralize routing, all RTP media flows directly from our own IP edge the same geo region. Australian numbers originate from Sydney IPs. UK and US from London and New York. Many customers are enjoying sub-1ms latency in the same facility./p>