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Amsterdam SIP signalling gateway migration to Telecity

1 March 2018

We know you have more important tasks than tracking carrier gateway IP updates. For over 12 years, we have not changed gateway IP address in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, as the infrastructure has become legacy and technology evolved, we must migrate the edge SBCs to a more carrier-dense, redundant environment. This change will take place on March 20th. Please update your IP access lists to allow SIP INVITEs from the new SIP-NL gateway.

Our own footprint and racks

We will be moving the NL customer-facing gateways to Telecity AMS04 at Wenckebachweg 127, Amsterdam (now Digital Realty). DID Logic is a listed carrier member and a direct tenant of the facility with our own floor space at the 5th floor. At this location, we have diverse fiber strands to the on-site NL-ix exchange, and a multitude of Tier1 networks, such as Telia, GTT, NTT and many more.

The new SIP-NL also relies on DID Logic’s own Autonomous System number 13006, allowing for much more granular routing control and better peering relationships with regional Internet Service Providers. Whether you run your SIP PBX from office or in a hosted/cloud environment, your network is very likely to be already running BGP sessions with DID Logic in Amsterdam.

About Telecity (DLR)

Digital Realty Trust, Inc. is a $900 million public company (NYSE:DLR) invests in carrier-neutral data centers and provides colocation and peering services. The company owns 132 operating data center facilities totaling 26.1 million usable square feet, of which 104 are in the United States and 32 are in Europe. In 2015, DLR purchased the Telecity AMS04 facility from Equinix. DID Logic has been a tenant in Telecity for many years prior to DLR acquisition and retains its space and carrier listings.