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No cloud
Telecom infrastructure


  • No physical cross-connects to PSTN
  • Street address often undisclosed
  • No control over IP uplink
  • Shared networking
  • Shared environment
  • Owned by third party

Un-cloud your VoIP

Cloud becomes fog when it goes down.

International voice carriers, banks and government agencies all use cloud technologies in one form or another. However, unlike resellers, carriers retain full control over their own cloud ecosystem. The cloud must be used responsively and not as means to cut costs, or outsource critical processes, or to bypass the engineering effort required to maintain BGP, ASN, IX peering and NOC requests.

DID Logic builds, maintains and operates real Points of Presence. We do not cut corners and we do not outsource critical elements of our voice infrastructure.

Flexibility and control without compromise

With a plethora of DevOps tools available to our engineering, we can achieve the same or better flexibility, without the cloud.
  • Hardware automation to quickly turn-up your services.
  • Equipment on hot standby to manage traffic spikes.
  • Massively underutilized by design, ready to scale instantly.
  • Redundant voice switches to achieve five nines reliability.
Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.