(100% coverage)
DID Logic can provide any imaginable SIP trunk capacity via the Amsterdam PoP. If you have a complex project that comes with extermely stringent call-quality requirements, talk to us. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses achieve the exact (and previously unheard of) PDD/ASR and voice-clarity parameters they were looking for.
Amsterdam is home to the second largest Internet Exchange in the world – the AMS-IX, the first exchange to offer 100 Gigabit interfaces and the most internationally connected IX. Customers include Microsoft, KPN, Facebook and Google.
This is one of the most advanced countries in terms of network infrastructure, and Amsterdam has the most powerful infrastructure in the Netherlands. Traditionally focused on international trade and sea logistics, the city offers incredible capacity options not available anywhere else in Europe. All major markets – such as Paris, London,
Frankfurt and Stockholm – are only few milliseconds away.
The country, along with Switzerland, also ranks highest in terms of broadband connectivity available to business and residential customers. Dutch ISPs enforce no bandwidth caps. Residential speeds of 50 Mbit/s and higher are common. Government-mandated internet censorship is nonexistent because Tweede Kamer (the House of Representatives in the Dutch Parliament) has opposed any such movements on multiple occasions, while also proposing that the principle of network neutrality be voted into law.