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SIP trunk provider
in Australia
and New Zealand

- Premium quality over Tier1 bandwidth
- 5–10 ms latency, direct CLI termination
- 1800 and 13/1300 DID numbers with LNP
- NBN-compatible

VoIP service in Australia with Sydney SIP proxies

Australian customers can send and receive SIP calls via our local Sydney PoP. DID Logic hands off your VoIP minutes to AAPT, Telstra, Primus, Optus and TNZI networks at very competitive, carrier-direct rates. LNP check performed with each call ensures your voice is routed using optimal carrier paths.
DID numbers
(100% coverage)
Any area code available for provisioning.
Call rates: Australia, NZ,
world ($USD)
NZ mobiles
AU mobiles
Hong Kong
If you wish to contact us by phone, please call the number below:
New Zealand:

High-quality voice with local RTP over AU telcos

DID Logic invested significant amounts in maintaining direct routes exclusively. We avoid the use of transcoding and we insist customers use G711u. That way, we keep the media uncompressed all the way from the originating SIP endpoint to the TDM circuit of the target carrier.

There are also pockets of HD-enabled destinations in Europe that justify the use of G722 high-definition voice to the PSTN. If your SIP endpoint supports G722 codec, and the carrier network you’re dialing allows HD subscriber handsets, we’re typically able to pass HD voice all the way.

Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.