Answers to common inquiries
Our company would like to sell DIDs at DID Logic.
Do you have DIDs in Maputo, Mozambique?
I am interested in 14 DIDs from London UK. Send me the price list for this service.
Please review these FAQs, read the setup guides and the Features/Benefits/Pricing pages, and sign up for a free DID Logic account to add any services your company requires.
What countries do you cover and can you send me the list?
What is your rate to Cuba?
What is the difference between "Certified" and "Reseller" vendors?
List of DID Logic IPs to Allow
Cape Town
Los Angeles
New York
Hong Kong
What is the minimum commitment?
How do I renew the DID?
I do not understand the `incoming minutes` concept. Are they free or not?
How do I know a monthly fee is due again on a DID?
What happens when my DID is not renewed?
Why am I charged for the calls I made? It says "unlimited" or "0.001"
Can I use Asterisk, ATAs, or softphones?
Any SIP device you like. See the setup guides.
What codecs do you support?
What is the IP address?
Can I forward the DID to an IP address?
Incorrect question. Yes, DIDs can be forwarded to a SIP address, which involves some IP. Please see the setup guides for instructions.
My number does not work.
All DID Logic numbers work; every single DID is checked before it becomes available at DID Logic. There could be an error in the way you are forwarding the DID. Click the `check` link next to your DID. If the DID comes up as `checked`, you definitely have done something wrong. Make sure your SIP address accepts the incoming calls from DID Logic. Consult see the setup guides for instructions. If you are forwarding to PSTN (real telephone numbers), make sure you are entering the target phone number without any + signs, 00 or 011 prefixes, for example: 442012349000 for UK and 12125551212 for USA.
I purchased a number and it has not been activated yet!
Do you support DTMF?
Do you support CallerID?
Can I use your DIDs for calling card purposes?
Can I add more channels to a DID?
Can I send my own CLI?
Your outgoing caller ID will be locked to the purchased DID initially. If you wish to send your own CLI, there are some rules and regulations that your company must comply with. Please review simple SIP trunk CallerID instructions, prepare the paperwork, and contact support to enable this feature.
Unable to receive calls to my Linksys SPA, fritzbox, Cisco, other ATA
If using Linksys/Cisco products, enabling "NAT mapping" and "NAT keepalive" in your device settings may be required to receive calls. Please be advised that receiving calls to devices like PAP2, or other ATAs requires stable broadband. Your ISP may be causing network congestion events that result in registration loss. We are unable to troubleshoot this behavior; for best results, route your DIDs to fixed IP address using SIP URI (extension@host_or_IP_addr) or PSTN (+country-code-area-code-number).
Accessing regional SIP gateways (country specific SIP proxies)
Regional SIP servers are intended for use in a business SIP infrastructure environment or even if you just wish to register your ATA or Softphone to receive inbound calls. Customers looking to setup local SIP transport can route their outbound voice to a media gateway closest to their location (choose from multiple locations in the US, Europe, South Africa, Singapore and Australia). We will provide recommendations based on the fastest and shortest route to your location. Examples: callcenters located in Spain, Cyprus or the Middle East should be using our gateways in France; Malaysian and Indonesian subscribers should access DID Logic nodes in Singapore; New Zealand users should dial out via our Sydney PoP. The full list of DID Logic regional gateways you can find in the “SIP” section of your account.
Note: you may have already reviewed some reseller websites bragging about "direct media" and separate signalling. That is under no circumstances "fast" and involves significant amount of network transfer over the public internet - ultimately affecting voice quality. Instead of hauling your media over unknown number of resellers, we place our ingress gateways closer to your SIP endpoints than anyone can, and hand over your SIP voice to the incumbent LEC via TDM.
DID number not ringing to my PBX/ATA
DID numbers always work. Please understand that the "fast busy", "invalid number, number does not exist" or "I do not receive a call" or "not ringing to me" are all events generated on your end, not DID side. Please familiarize yourself with a few simple steps that will save you time and effort. Do not email support with the "my number does not work" message.
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